Scarica e stampa i piani per costruire il tuo Dalek!
Download and print the plans to build your Dalek!

Early Daleks
"The Daleks"
"The Invasion of Earth"
"The Invasion of Earth" - Dalek Supreme
"The Invasion of Earth" - Saucer Commander
"The Chase"
"The Chase" - Black Dalek
"The Chase" - without panels
"Power of the Daleks"
"Evil of the Daleks" - with Black Dome
Movie Daleks
"Dr. Who and the Daleks"
"Dr. Who and the Daleks" - Saucer Commander
"Dr. Who and the Daleks" - Dalek Supreme
"Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D."
"Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D." - Red Dalek
"Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D." - Golden Dalek
"Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D." - Black Dalek
Classic Daleks
"Day of the Daleks"
"Day of the Daleks" - Dalek Commander
"Planet of the Daleks" - Dalek Supreme
"Death to the Daleks"
"Destiny of the Daleks" - dark colour
"Destiny of the Daleks" - light colour
"Destiny of the Daleks" - with light stripes
"Destiny of the Daleks" - Suicide Dalek
"Resurrection of the Daleks"
"Resurrection of the Daleks" - with white lamps
"Resurrection of the Daleks" - Black Dalek
"Revelation of the Daleks" - Imperial Dalek
"Remembrance of the Daleks" - Imperial Dalek
"Remembrance of the Daleks" - Heavy Weapon Dalek
"Remembrance of the Daleks" - Black Dalek
Dalek Emperors
Dalek Emperor from "Evil of the Daleks"
Davros from "Genesis of the Daleks"
Davros from "Resurrection of the Daleks"
Dalek Emperor from "Remembrance of the Daleks"
Dalek Emperor from "The Dalek Chronicles"
Daleks from Other Media
Original Dalek Sketch
"The Dalek Chronicles"
Dalek Prime
Heavy Weapon Dalek - Blue
Heavy Weapon Dalek - White
Dalek with Peculiar Colour Scheme
Madame Trussauds' Dalek
Weetabix Dalek
Dalek prop 1
Dalek prop 2
Dalek prop 3
Dalek prop 4
Dalek prop 5
